Bradford Academy Three Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season at Bradford Academy

Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season at Bradford Academy

Happy Winter everyone! We are excited to see bright-eyed students line the halls again before we all head off for Winter Break. The holidays are a time for giving, and in honor of this month’s theme of gratitude and giving thanks, we wanted to name a few ways that our community can get involved and give back. Part of our character education program means encouraging traits like kindness, responsibility and compassion. What better a way to instill those qualities in our students than to lead by example! Read more below to learn about opportunities to help contribute to our generous and supportive school community this month.

There is no shortage of causes to support in our community. As always, our students and families can check in with our front office to see what we’re already doing, but there are plenty of places that always need support around the holidays. Groups like Pay Away the Layaway, the American Humane Association, and Feeding America are great places to start this holiday season. There are also plenty of other local charities, food banks and more that serve our community as well, and you can look at the following link to find out more.

Another virtue of the holiday season is that sometimes, we have more time than we do money. For those looking for a free way to support their community, visit the following link to find local food banks that need volunteers. Look online for more information on how our community may need your help this holiday season, or check with us at the front office to see if we have any volunteer opportunities this winter.

Finally, a creative way to give back this season is to donate what you no longer need. Books, canned goods, coats, backpacks, anything is of use to the less fortunate. Often with children, there is no shortage of outgrown clothing and items to give, and there are an array of organizations from local to national, like Goodwill and The Salvation Army that are always accepting donations.

November is a time for thankfulness and gratitude. We are thankful for our families, our staff, our board and of course our amazing students. Here at Bradford Academy, we recognize and are grateful for every member of our community, and we hope that with the ideas listed above, you can find a way this holiday season to pay that gratitude forward. As always, keep up with us on our social media and to see more news or updates like this, visit our blog!