Calendar & News (page 15)

Bradford giving tree

Compassion in Action

Thank you Bradford Families & Staff for contributing to our Compassion In Action Christmas Tree. All donations will be given to local charities. Happy Holidays From The K-8 Staff!

Honors Assembly

  Very successful Honors Assembly last night at BAHS. Very proud of all the students who put in many hours of studying, hard work, and dedication to earn these awards!

Bradford Alum Days

  What a GREAT DAY at BAHS 2018 Alumni Day! We had some great students come back and talk to our students!!

December PBIS Assembly Winners!

  K-2 winners from our December PBIS Assembly! Congrats to all these students for their positive behavior and perfect attendance!

Ice Skating Field Trip

  Our students had an awesome time at their ice skating field trip! Check out the rest of the photos on our Facebook page.

Secret Santa Winners

  We loved playing “Secret Santa” for a few special Bradford families who helped us spread the word about our Facebook and Instagram pages. Happy Holidays to the three random winners!

Haircuts for the Holidays

  Haircuts for the Holidays was such a success. Thank you to ExposedBarbershop for providing haircuts for our students. We are truly thankful!
Bradford Kindergarteners

Kindergarten Assembly

Our kindergarteners had their assembly yesterday! They worked so hard and did a wonderful job!
Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight – Ms. Asha Maire

Get to know Ms. Maire, she teaches math. Her favorite thing about working here is how welcomed, supported and valued the Bradford family makes her feel!
Bradford class showing off snowmen creations

Snowmen Crafts!

Ms. Ions’ class had fun creating a fun winter project today after reading the story Sneezy the Snowman. Together they brainstormed different ideas on why their snowmen melted and then they got to create a melted snowman of their own!…