Bradford Academy decorated a school bus with Christmas decor to celebrate the holiday season with select families

Bradford Academy Sponsored Families On Christmas This Year

We at Bradford Academy are so excited for the holidays this year, and are prepared for a relaxing Holiday Break! From gift giving to reading under blankets, there is plenty to do this Holiday season, and we have been hard at work to ensure that everyone in our community can celebrate this time of year. We are proud to say that we were able to show our appreciation for our families by sponsoring five families with gift cards, gift wrapping, and using one of our school buses as a delivery sleigh! They were full of smiles and heartfelt “Thank You”s, and expressed their appreciation and named us as a blessing to them this holiday season. Bradford Academy decorated a school bus with Christmas decor to celebrate the holiday season with select families We love to give back to the people that keep our school going, and we hope that as we continue to finish strong when we get back from break we can continue to show our appreciation in ways both big and small. To see more about what we are up to as we get back from break, be sure to stay up to date with us on our blog and on social media!